Post Equipment is a bale processor dealer of three different brands. It can be hard choosing which brand and model best fits your operation. Let’s get started by reading different features of each bale processor brand.
-Auger conveys material to the center of the blower – the material does not have to pass through end bearings. It enters the blower in the center and is accelerated out eliminating fan plugging problems experienced in other designs. The auger is supported on both ends ensuring the strength to handle large hay masses.
-Easy access panels – both roto and auger have large access panels allowing operator easy access without entering machine.
-Top discharge model allows casting to 100 feet and is ideal for: reclamation, bedding, stock piling and feeding.
-Oil bath gearbox – both rotor and auger are driven by heavy-duty oil bath drive.
-Heavy duty bale lift – two stage bale lift pulls the bale up and away so the next bale is undisturbed. Large platform contains loose hay for cleaner operations
-Chain Conveyor – 3 chain slat conveyor table allows the operator to roll bales in any condition along with the heavy bales
-Easy twine removal – the patented parallel running bars crate separation between the twin and rotor allowing the operator adequate space to insert a cutting tool for easy twine removal
-In cab controls – Only one tractor remote is required making hooking up quick and easy. All electronic controls can be mechanically overridden.
-Easy maintenance access – opening the side door creates easy maintenance access without having to crawl into the machine
-Hydraulic slug bars – the hydraulic slug bars allow the operator to decrease knife exposure as the bale gets processed down to a smaller core for complete control of discharge volume
-Bale ejection door – patented side door opens sideways allowing for bale ejection if mold or unwanted material is discovered mid-process
Still not sure which bale processor is right for you? Give us a call at 712-476-4500 and we would be happy to help you!
-Chain table for rotating the bale – positioned in the shredder chamber at an angle which allows the bale to roll toward the rotor and up against the slug bars
-Chain Conveyor – 3 chain slat conveyor table allows the operator to roll bales in any condition along with the heavy bales
-Rotor – driven through the chain case, which reverses the direction of the rotor for right side discharge and increases the rotor speed by 30% – faster tip speed means more efficient chopping
-Adjustable slug bars – easily positions the bale from the rotor and hammers which also allows you to take any size but out of the bale
-Straw cannon – throws product up to 100 feet – ideal for covering legumes and other erosion control applications
-3 foot curved spout – can be rotated 360 degrees for full operator control – great for bedding, reaching over fences, gates, and into hoop barns
-Heavy duty rotor shaft has 40 flails taking bites out of each bale – product is then forced through a screen, then moved by the auger and out the blower with the spout of your choice – access door allows for easier service and maintenance of the rotor, auger and screens
-Rotor Design with their flails that is very easy for taking the net wrap off and has further cast
-Three settings easily adjusted for fine, medium or off
-New alternating longer and shorter hoops greatly improve processing. You’ll notice a big difference in how smoothly every bale is processed. The longer hoops prevent power hogging gulps and the shorter hoops increase capacity.
-Flotation tires are standard for a smoother ride over more severe conditions
-Rear loading fork width is adjustable to accommodate different bale sizes.
-The hinged flap gives you more control for feeding and bedding. Flip the rubber deflector up to spread bedding straw further and fold it down to control the windrow when processing for feeding.
-There are 28 -3/4” x 1 ½” flails – heavier, stronger, longer lasting, and more aggressive – tip speed is 7,000 FPM (80 mph)
-Powerful hydraulic motors on agitators to handle the largest bales – comes with hydraulic relief protection system
-Integrated gearbox is engineered for a smooth transition of power from the tractor to the processor -durability, long life, efficiency, and superior performance are all engineered in
Ready to start shopping for a bale processor? Click here to view our current new and used bale processor inventory!