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3 and 4 Auger Mixers Characteristics

Auger Mixers

3 auger and 4 auger mixers

In the last blog we talked about the differences between the 2 augers on Supreme International Mixer Wagons and in the blog before that we compared vertical mixers to horizontal reel mixers. What about the 3 auger and 4 auger mixers? What are their characteristics? And what do they do differently than the mixers that we have described previously?



The 3 auger and 4 auger mixers:

  • An auger mixer is generally a little low for loading height.
  • An auger mixer is usually used for a higher concentrate diet.
  • An auger mixer packs the feed more. This allows you to hold more feed in the same cubic foot auger mixer as you can in a vertical or a reel mixer wagon of the same size.
  • A vertical or reel mixer fluffs the feed more than an auger mixer does.
  • The feed gets hotter on a temperature test in an auger mixer because it is more abrasive.
  • There are many moving parts on a 4 auger wagon.
  • Some customers like the 4 auger and the 3 augers mixers for the low loading height. They also do not have to have as big of a wagon for the same amount of cubic feet.


Post Equipment has a nice selection of 3 auger and 4 auger wagons in stock. Call Dan at Post Equipment 712-476-4500 or view our selection of mixers online – 3 auger and 4 auger mixer wagons.